So, I have been out for two days because of a sinus infection. I have no idea how this happened, I mean one day I'm fine and then next thing you know, scratchy throat and then down hill from there... serious...I thought I just caught a cold, I was taking medicine thinking that it would go away and I would feel fine... but I was wrong. I got worse. Went to the doctor and she told me that I had a sinus infection. What in the world is a sinus infection and how did I get it?
A sinus infection is when there is an inflamation in the sinus and nasal passages. This infection can cause headaches or pressure in the eyes, nose and cheek area. A person with a sinus infection has a cough, fever and thick nasal scretion (hanabatas).
A sinus infection can be caused by allergens (allergy-causing substance) or pollutants. Okay, so my sinus infection could have been caused by the bad vog we had earlier this week. The infection causes damage to the cells of the sinus lining. The damage to the cells cause the lining to inflamate. When there is inflamation, the fluids in the nasal passage is obstructed. The obstrcution doesn't allow the bacteria be removed properly. The bacteria then multiplies and begins to invade the lining of the sinus. This invasion then causes the sypmtoms of a sinus infection.
Symtoms of a sinus infection:
Moderate to severe sinus pain
Swelling around the eyes
Thick yellow or green nasal discharge
Difficult breathing through the nose
Nasal-sounding voice
A general feeling of not being well
A cough
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