I know that the Giant Panda Bears are an endangered species. Currently only 700 to 1000 panda bears exist in the wild. Thier existence will deplete if their habitat does not expand. The panda survives by eating lots of bamboo, but the bamboo plant goes through die-offs as a renewal cycle. During the renewal cycle, the panda bears will have to relocate, but they are running out of places to go. Panda bears are being starved to death. I was wondering "what can I do to help save the giant panda bears?". I want to know what can I do to help these animals. I know that these animals are far away, but there has to be something that I can do to help them. I want to be able to contribute to help bring back these panda bears.
I found a website that helps the Giant Panda Bears : WWF Pandas
WWF stands for World Wildlife Fund. This foundation helps protect endangered species and their habitats. WWF has been operating a little over four decades. The foundation has alomost five million supporters throughout the five continents.
The WWF foundation has ways that people all over the world can help the giant panda bear. I found that I can adopt a panda bear, by making a donation. I can also make a donation and even recieve a gift for the donation. The donation made will be used to help conserve the habitats and anything else related to the endangered species.
Another website that I found with good information about the Giant Panda bear is the Smithsonian National Zoological Park
This zoo is not like any other. The Smithsonian zoo has animals from all over the world, including the panda bear. This zoo works with many other zoo's around the world, including China, where panda bears are found. The zoo has a history and commitment of conservation of animals and their habitat.
The zoo is home to three giant panda bears. Smithsonian has a pair of adult pandas who had an offspring on July 9, 2005. I found that I can help these three panda's by adopting their species.
If I donate $65 I can get all types of things from the zoo, including a plush panda doll, fact sheet about panda's and so on. The $65 help create a winter wonderland for the panda bears. Zoo keepers at the zoo have noticed that the pandas are at their happiest when they are playing in the snow. The $65 would help create the winterwonderland in the zoo for the panda bears. I thought this donation is a very exciting one, and I was gald to read about how the money would be used.
As I googled "how can I help giant panda bears?" , I was getting a lot of websites. It is quite obvious that I cannot just go to our local zoo to help these animals, the most I can do is spread my knowledge about the endangered species and donate as much as I can.
Hi. I heard something about "new bamboo". Something about how scientists were going to plant bamboo for the pandas...is there any way people can donate money to help in any way of that? I really want to help!--Taylor, 11
i want to noif there ia another way that you can help save the endangered giant pandas
this is because like the person above me i realy want to help save the giant panda because they are the most cutest anilmal that i have seen .
Like many others i love pandas. i am tring to raise money to help save my favorite amimal so that when i grow up my child can go to the zoo to see such a magnificent creature still roaming around in its natural environment.
i love pandas and i would hate to have them not around anymore. its horrible how they are starving. people should help them but humans need to stop taking inisent animals homes!
I also want to know if I can save Panda Bears in another way. I realize this post might be getting repetitive, but as you said, there are only up to 1000 pandas left!! I thought there were 2000 left, but this is WAY more serious than I thought. Poor things.....
~ <3, an every day pre-teen (11)
hi i love pandas as a child and my kids love them too. but their not old enough that i can take them to the zoo. i want pandas to be saved because my child and i would love a great smile here and there. cant we do something like planting bamboo in other countries?
pandas are soooo cute!!!!
is there any way i can help save them??????!!!!!!!!!-anna,9
ooo...I love pandas.
Here I bought a cuddly panda bag (L) that I can hardly put it down!
I believe it is a GREAT find for every panda fanatic!
Flor (floreshayes@gmail.com)
i looooooooooooooooooove pandas and i dont want them to die nobody relizes how much there in danger but i want to do somthing and the closes panda is like 7 states away so i want to know what can i do i want my kid there kids and there kids kids to know and be able to see that there habitat is in danger and them to want to help out too i wont be able to live with out them nown of my friends relize that i love them and there in such danger you see pandas are my favorite animals well one of them and i want to work with them when i get older and i cant do that unless you pich in to help save them
shannon age 11
omg pands are the cutest i hope i can help save them i really do just tell me how <3
im so glad im not alone in wanting to save these inocent creatures i absolutlly want to help and when i am older i hope to be able to still see them around. panda bears are my favirote animals and if they were to died i would kill someone!!!! <3
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